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Outer space in a sentence

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Sentence count:78+3Posted:2017-03-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hyperspacecyberspaceinterspersespacespaceshipaerospacespace shuttlebreathing spaceMeaning: n. any location outside the Earth's atmosphere. 
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(31) The popular perception of the remoteness and unimportance of asteroids was shattered by a visitor from outer space.
(32) Ideas do not exist in a vacuum, free-floating in outer space, waiting to be corralled.
(33) But personal space is also an issue in outer space.
(34) The moonless sky was overcast, and gliding into an opaque blackness we might have been in outer space.
(35) NASA continues its efforts to communicate with intelligent beings in outer space.
(36) Scientists became intrigued by the rock, which appeared to have come from outer space.
(37) Then, with an astounding concentration of power, he smashes the ball into outer space.
(38) radio waves from outer space.
(39) The radio beam came from outer space.
(40) They have been visited by creatures from outer space.
(41) The astronauts walked in outer space without a tether.
(42) What is needed is a comprehensive ban on the militarisation of outer space ... arming the heavens will only put us one step closer to a disastrous war in space that no one can win.
(43) It is our hope that the CD can take this document as a basis for negotiating and concluding a new outer space legal instrument.
(44) At the same time, we introduce a kind of two dimensional inverse heat conduction problems which do not convect with outer space in doing the compression, and we have got the expected result.
(45) The outermost shell of the atmosphere, between the mesosphere and outer space, where temperatures increase steadily with altitude.
(45) Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
(46) From the cabin to the cabin outside, its key technologies is to the outer space environment adaptation, thus guarantee circuit's breakover .
(47) Reporter from Beijing Planetarium found this morning, although Beijing residents have missed the observation "the god seven" the airship, but may observe it in the outer space carry-over .
(48) Notice there were several lulls in our space program as we found out new things, and then geared up to take into account the malevolence of outer space.
(49) In chapter 4, we discuss the iterative method of a kind of two dimensional inverse heat conduction problems which do not convect with outer space. We show that these problems are severely ill-posed.
(50) As a child he was awed by the immensity of the outer space.
(51) It is our hope that the CD can take these documents as a basis for negotiating and concluding a new outer space legal instrument.
(52) From propellers to jet propulsion to rocketry, men are now walking in outer space and exploring the surface of the moon and the Mars.
(53) Let your imagination run wild to outer space, millions of light years away.
(54) Cosmic ray is high - energy particle ray coming from outer space.
(55) We gather up from outer space various information by our Satellite.
(56) Does outside outer space still have the terrestrial celestial body of image?
(57) The technology, called partial response maximum likelihood or PRML[], is originally used in communication for outer space.
(58) Pollution from China alone directly affects the earth's climate, both by reflecting some light to outer space (soot and aerosols) and warming the atmosphere with black carbon particles.
(59) Let's make concerted efforts in preserving the vastness of outer space a tranquil place for the benefit of our future generations.
(60) On May 5,1961 Alan B. Shepard became the first American to venture into outer space.
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